
File this under: if you can't beat it - celebrate it....

I shouldn't even be blogging about this. Winter camping in Gatineau Park is getting more and more popular and, therefore, competitive. I'll just think short term and rest in the confidence that no one reads my blog.

If you like cross-country skiing or snowshoeing and a bit of roughing it, Winter Camping in Gatineau Park may be of interest to you. You can choose between spending the night in a cabin or yurt equipped with a woodburning oven.

Aside from trips to the out house, the oven keeps you quite warm and offers some flexibility in food options.

Or, if you're even more hardcore, you can spend a night in a quinzee:

It's a nice way of breaking up the winter, enjoying the fresh air and spending some time with friends. Of course, you're not restricted in bringing food that is warmed up by the oven alone.

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