
Trying to keep it all in perspective...

Since moving to Ottawa six years ago, my support for unions has waivered. Living in a government town, talk about employees who should not be in their positions is a regular past time. You'd be hard-pressed to find people working for the government who don't face the frustration that comes with a lack of accountability and an inability to make changes based on poor performance. For everything good that unions do, they also enable incompetence.

Would I eliminate unions? Absolutely not. But I do feel that in times of economic instability, we all need to think of the greater good. At least temporarily, I would like to see unions hold off on fighting for wage increases. Sure, most people feel that they are entitled to more. But, when we're heading for/in a recession, where is this money supposed to come from?

I know that striking gives the union and it's members the power to make life difficult for others in order to reach their goals. But, aren't things difficult enough at this point? All of these issues create a domino effect. I think we all need to be heroes at this point and say, "despite the fact that I want to earn more, I am willing to wait until the economy is in better condition to fight further for this". I know OC Transpo's complaints go beyond wage increases. Frankly, I think their demands that would not create major financial strains should be met. But, the desire to earn more money needs to be put on hold.

Sure, my tune would change if this were happening 6 months ago. I'd say, yes - they should fight/strike for wage increases and better working conditions. But today, I think we all need to sacrifice for the sake of getting this country back up on its feet again. I would GLADLY have 2% added back on to the GST.

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